A Business Relationship with Facebook

Facebook for Business: The must-have tool for marketing on Facebook.

‍Facebook for personal use is like any healthy two way relationship: You give away your prized personal information in exchange for hours of fulfillment and, well, a distraction from the life outside that relationship. The only thing is, your information, or ‘data’ as us geeky marketers like to call it, is stored and used by companies, in combination with Facebook’s top secret algorithm to target you with products and services you are most likely to pay interest towards. Have you finished a conversation, scrolled through Facebook only to notice a targeted ad for EXACTLY what you were talking about? It can’t be by chance. Maybe it was about a specific music festival, a funky bar you want to try or a gorgeous bag you saw online. Facebook listens.

So, what has this got to do with having a ‘business relationship’ with Facebook?

Well, as a user, nothing ever seems to go wrong. Sure, you might hate the new algorithm and find it a little finicky to start off with. You might not like the new update at first, but you get used to it! On the contrary, any user of Facebook for Business would understand the painstaking process and wasted hours spent going in circles trying to keep up with the many, continuous changes that implicate their business. It can feel like you’re fighting about something new every week without a solution, like a couple stuck in an argumentative rut! You have good days, you also have bad, bad days. Days where you yell and scream and want to throw in the towel. With 25,105 Facebook employees, improvements happen on a daily basis. This means that there is someone testing and implementing changes every day. It’s just not possible to stay on top of every single minor tweak and major adjustment. Not if you still want to do your job that is – It just never ends! So how do we keep up with these changes? Simple answer is: we don’t get caught up in it!

‍As a digital agency with a dedicated team of social and content guru’s, we monitor client pages 24/7. So when a change appears on Facebook or our products are still processing or our data is incorrect (and the list goes on), we have people chatting to Facebook resolving the issue. Facebook has seriously upped their game in terms of providing faster assistance and solutions in the recent months. Having a business relationship with Facebook is tricky. It’s time consuming and ever changing. So, as marketing professionals using Facebook for Business to target personal users, are we expected to know what’s lurking around every corner or are we simply navigating our way through day by day?

‍Spend time getting to learn the landscape. Once you know the basics, just immerse yourself in the platforms each day and you’ll be adapting to the changes before you even realise they’ve occurred. But, if you don’t have the time to keep up with constant changes and news, invest in experts who can do all the nitty gritty for you!

TOP TIP: Stay up to date with industry-related blog posts, podcasts and chatting to peers!


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