Our Nutrition Marketing Strategies with Celebrity Slim

Developed by expert nutritionists and biochemists, Celebrity Slim is a flexible, great-tasting and nutritionally balanced meal replacement program designed to help improve health and fitness. Through our expertise and awareness of the latest marketing trends for nutrition, No Standing delivered a web development strategy that helped the brand significantly improve their website’s performance. Our work in digital marketing has helped our clients reach their marketing goals and establish themselves better as brands in their field.

Development and Design


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The Challenge

The main objective of the website redesign for Celebrity Slim was to carry out their migration to Shopify from their previous content management system. Shopify provided the client with all their requirements in terms of design, modernity and intuitive navigation. This project also involved reviewing and improving the UX (user experience) and introducing a modern design to fully match their brand identity. The changes we introduced guaranteed better access to information for potential clients, and also helped position Celebrity Slim as a brand whose products helped empower and instil confidence. Our nutrition marketing strategy also utilised best practices to ensure the brand was getting more aligned traffic to its website.



Streamlining the user experience by considering all touchpoints, ensuring that the flow is smooth and makes sense to users.


A website that is designed with layered information to satisfy customers in different stages of their website journey.


Features such as upsell, loyalty & reviews, social proof, bundles, and easy-to-purchase options doubled the conversion rate within a few months of the website going live.


We identified different types of users and customers. Once we identified them, we were able to determine the type of information they typically sought in order to improve the marketing for this nutrition business. We then built an eCommerce platform with a simpler and faster purchasing process. Through this initiative, Celebrity Slim was able to provide plenty of useful information for their customers through relevant website content across several web pages.


We created a simple and straightforward navigation so users could find exactly what they needed.

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