An essentials focused eCommerce website that supplies Australian’s with medical, cloth & hemp grade face masks.


Design & develop a highly converting eCommerce website based off Shopify, and then perform digital marketing tactics to achieve $100,000+ worth of sales in under 15 days.

The Result

The purpose of the website is to illustrate and visualise the bespoke experiences at Osborn House. To do this, we designed a website that embraces the history of Osborn and its experiences it offers by creating a smooth and seamless user experience, taking each user on a brief journey through Osborn House and allowing them to visually experience the difference rooms, facilities and surroundings.

To emphasize the idea of personalisation and uniqueness, the website includes plenty of imagery showcasing Osborn House’s natural surroundings and facilities. As part of the website experience, we designed sections with a call to action to direct users to specific pages and discover more about what is available. With this modern, simplistic design and visualisation, the history and story of Osborn is brought to life.
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