The Value of Conversation on Social

Stop for a second and think about how much emphasis your brand puts on generating and pushing out excellent content.

‍We’re assuming it’s a hell of a lot, and if it’s not, it should be! However, content is only one piece of the puzzle, and there’s another aspect of ‘Social’ Media that many people tend to neglect. The conversations generated as a result of your perfectly curated content are the golden nuggets that your brand should value more highly than anything else.

When a user engages with you, the most important thing you can do is respond in a way which enriches the possiblity of continued conversation with that person. Valuable conversation to nurture a relationship on social media is vital, as it creates genuine interest with your potential followers to get to know your brand, develop a relationship with it, and engage with it moving forward. How do you do this, you ask? It’s simple: ensure your conversation remains relevant, and prompt a response with a question or call to action.

In order to encourage users to follow, share and interact with you, a brand must dedicate time and care into the responses provided to those who are interacting with you. Remember that the person on the other side of the phone has gone out of their way to respond to the content that you have so carefully curated, so reward them for it by acknowledging them! Developing a strong strategy in terms of tone of voice, response time, and understanding how best to respond to frequently asked questions to ensure your brand is perceived in a positive light by your future consumers.

‍It’s also important to listen to the ideas and feedback presented by those engaging with you; whether positive or negative. Social Media users will provide information for a brand to improve their product, services and overall image, whether it’s prompted or not. Take heed of this free advice, but don’t take it to heart. Just as much as your conversation should enrich the user, their feedback can help your business to grow in the right direction.

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